As of April 1, 2019, the BC government has limited the right of those injured in a motor vehicle accident to reclaim expenses beyond ICBC’s new fixed rate schedule for health care costs. This means that if a massage therapist, for example, charges more than what ICBC will cover, then the injured person cannot seek the remaining costs from the at-fault driver. The new rates apply to massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, counseling, kinesiology, physiotherapy and psychology.
The new regulations also prevent third-party benefits insurers from reclaiming repayment from the at-fault party. They do not, however, prohibit third-party insurers or extended benefit providers to recover payment from the injured claimant, despite the claimant not being able to recover costs from the at-fault party.
The laws in B.C. have changed and the new system for dealing with motor vehicle accidents can be confusing. It is vital, then, to seek legal counsel immediately following an accident. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and ensure that you receive proper compensation.
Based in Cranbrook, Rella, Paolini & Rogers operates one of the largest, most successful motor vehicle accident claims practices in the southeast region of B.C., with a focus on ICBC claims.